I never really thought I'd ever get stuck in the cycle of: Blog > Leave blog for a long time > Return to apologize for absence > Blog > Leave blog > Return to apologize for absence for a long time. I've had several, what you could call, "blog-worthy" experiences the past few months (DesignHerStory, I Know Write, Art HOHOLs, Lettering Workshops, etc.) but I never managed to gather enough motivation to actually blog about them. Like what Maine Manalansan stated in DesignHerStory, having inspiration doesn't mean having motivation, and the same goes vice versa.
Hello, again!
So, it's been a while since I last posted on here, whoops? But just recently, I was nominated for the Liebster Award by two absolutely amazing people:
Julia of in my thoughts forever and
Kennard of Kennard Diaries
Their blogs are a-ma-zing, I absolutely recommend you check them out!
I was surprised to find this still going around since I first saw this a few months back (from the time I didn't have a blog yet, actually), but here it is! I actually still cannot grasp the fact that live, breathing people that aren't me read the text I wrote. Not to mention, live, breathing AND absolutely fantastic people. Again, thank you so much to both of you! I'm very honored to have been nominated by two fantastic bloggers (✿◠‿◠)
The rules to the Liebster Award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and post a link to their blog on your blog.
2. Display the award on your blog — by including it in your post and/or displaying it using a “widget” or a “gadget”. (Note that the best way to do this is to save the image to your own computer and then upload it to your blog post.)
3. Answer 11 questions about yourself, which will be provided to you by the person who nominated you.
4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.
5. nominate 5 – 11 blogs that you feel deserve the award, who have a less than 1000 followers. (Note that you can always ask the blog owner this since not all blogs display a widget that lets the readers know this information!)
6. Create a new list of questions for the blogger to answer.
7. List these rules in your post. Once you have written and published it, you then have to:
8. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it!)
As mentioned in the title, summer is over, and I thought I'd present to you all in the form of photographs a few highlights of mine.
May 2-5, 2014 San Juan Surf Resort, La Union
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Haha, beat the heat with some Zumba! |
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Me + Mom ♡ |
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Trying to kayak despite my super weak arms, haha! |
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Our pups definitely didn't miss out on the fun! |
Quotable quotes from I Know Write MNL's guest speakers. |
Apparently, the real challenge for me was not creating the drawings, but posting the drawings. *sigh* My goal was to finish this by the end of may and technically, I did. I simply failed to post it in time, haha! Anyway, get ready for a very long post ahead.
Yes, I have six drawings. SIX. And I have around 12 more due. *sigh* Wish me luck. |
It has finally dawned on me that doing this is great and all, but in summer where I unexpectedly had summer-y stuff to do? Well, bad idea. Now, I have to literally chase my deadline, which is the 31st. But even if it was a bad idea, doing it was actually pretty awesome, so no regrets (just love *wink*). Without further ado, here's the supposed Day 7-12 characters!
Okay, I don't know about you, but the second Rita Skeeter from The Harry Potter series came into the picture, I knew I didn't like her. I mean, her writing is just downright corrupt. Mrs. Weasley stated, I quote:
"Rita Skeeter goes out of her way to cause trouble, Amos! I would've thought you'd know that working at the Ministry."
I'm so sorry if the purple-ish eyed ones look like they'll kill you. I am so sorry :(( |
Okay, so this round goes to The Nordics from, again, Axis Powers Hetalia! I just figured that my group of friends act mostly like them because even if the Nordics were basically just put together because of their geography, the pieces just fit and they all get along well. At first glance, most of my friends and I are polar opposites, the sort that you figured are just friends because you locked them together in a room for a year or two, something like that. But despite our differences, we're almost inseparable. We just get along and make everything work.
Okay so firstly, I couldn't find a character who looks like me and Mouse is the next best thing, okay? Basically it's the above photo + glasses + tanner skin, haha! Anyways, Jill 'The Mouse' Chen is from The Carrie Diaries which is a show that I've started watching only a few weeks ago.
Okay so another fact about me is that I love Ghibli films *cries* Howl's Moving Castle was an absolute life ruiner because it was that beautiful. Calcifer is probably my favorite character aside from Howl (I will admit that I had a teensy crush on him when I was 10 haha).
Calcifer is one of my favorite characters because I love how despite he's free of his contract with Howl, he proves his loyalty and chooses to stay. If you haven't watched it, it's never too late! You're definitely missing out.
Calcifer is one of my favorite characters because I love how despite he's free of his contract with Howl, he proves his loyalty and chooses to stay. If you haven't watched it, it's never too late! You're definitely missing out.
So, this is Hungary from one of my favorite shows ever, Axis Powers Hetalia. To sum Hetalia up, it's about human personifications for all the countries, so as long as the countries exist, the personification lives. I was introduced to Hetalia when I was in fifth grade by one of my closest friends and I have loved it ever since. You should try to watch it too! You might get hooked uvu
The beginning of May literally escaped my notice and here I am starting the aforementioned challenge a day late. Anyway, I found the 30 Day Character Challenge on Ate Arielle's blog and thought, "Why not give it a try?"
New goal: Finish the 30 Day Character Challenge by the end of May!
I mean, the feeling of accomplishment is great, don't you think? Even better when what you accomplished involves something you have a passion for.
1. A character from a current favorite fandom
2. A character from a previous favorite fandom
3. A character who looks like you
4. A character that acts like you
5. A group of characters who are most like you and your friends
6. The most annoying character
7. The hottest character
8. The funniest character
9. A character who would be your best friend if they were real
10. A character who taught you something about real life
11. A character who taught you something about love
12. A character with the best quotes
13. A boring character
14. A character you wished was never introduced
15. The smartest character
16. The dumbest character
17. The most awful, mean, evil character you know
18. An animal character you like
19. A sci-fi character you like (alien, robot, etc.)
20. A fantasy character you like (elves, dwarves, etc.)
21. A paranormal character you like (vampires, werewolves, etc.)
22. The best singer
23. The best dancer
24. The character with the best laugh
25. The character who makes you cry when they cry
26. An underrated character
27. An overrated character
28. A character you absolutely hate
29. A character that makes you flashback into your childhood
30. A character you will love and remember the rest of your life
I really hope that I get to finish this and not procrastinate it. I'm really, really excited to start! Feel free to draw, write, or do whatever you're good at doing and join in.
As of late, I've been watching films to kill time if I'm not outdoors doing summer-y things. One film I've watched recently is Ruby Sparks. It's a movie from 2012, and I absolutely loved it. I honestly find it strange that I haven't really heard of it (maybe it's because I'm not updated with the outside world in those years) until a tumblr acquaintance recommended it to me, and that was actually yesterday.
One thing about me is that I'm a huge softie for films. And when I say huge, I mean it. A little harsh words and fighting here and there can actually make me tear up, no lie. The end of the film literally reduced me to tears. I definitely recommend that you watch the film if you haven't yet, and if you have, please tell me so we can fangirl and cry together uvu
Hasta la pasta!
Hello again! If you're wondering why this post is entitled 'Re-introductions', it is basically because I wanted to start over, and this is probably the nth time that I tried. I've recently drafted all my previous posts and surely, no one will notice (except for Bernie and Fiona, because I think they are my only readers). So I technically wiped my blog clean.
My ideas for a blog were very messy and I wanted to give it another shot. After a bloghopping for a few days, I figured that I'd restart since this was a literal mess.
Anyways, on to the re-introductions! Hello, again (again)! I'm Zianne and I'm from the Philippines. I absolutely love drawing, and you'd see me post fanart frequently. I also like to write but I'm not the best at it, and hopefully, not the worst either. Aside from drawing and writing, I also love to read, eat, watch movies, and sleep. My life is that dull, no?
Also, I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing (despite the fact I've been trying to make a legit one for months) and I hope that it all turns out well :)
Hasta la pasta!
{texture by cloaks}
To get me started with this fiction art blog thing, I thought I’d use something inspired from someone. In my school, I have a friend that had to act in a play for her Social Studies class. She explained to me (in detail) how their play was going to work, the characters, the setting, and everything else. It all absolutely fascinated me, and the story had been lingering in the back of my mind since. Seeing that it was from a few months back, I might’ve forgotten a few details (whoops).
Anyways, let me tell you about my
perception of Adatha. She has light, brown hair (I unfortunately coloured it
inaccurately in the above photo) and hazel eyes (I’m sorry but I’m not fond of
drawing eyes), and she absolutely loves to read and write. She would often
leave her house and sneak out to find open and unoccupied fields so she may
read and think in solitude. She has two elder brothers and a younger sister. As
an Athenian, she longs for adventure, which she thought she was never going to
get until she met Ericius.
Most things are forgotten over time. Even the war itself, the life-and-death struggle people went through is now like something from the distant past. We're so caught up in our everyday lives that events of the past are no longer in orbit around our minds. There are just too many things we have to think about everyday, too many new things we have to learn. But still, no matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away. They remain with us forever, like a touchstone. -Haruki Murakami
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