To get me started with this fiction art blog thing, I thought I’d use something inspired from someone. In my school, I have a friend that had to act in a play for her Social Studies class. She explained to me (in detail) how their play was going to work, the characters, the setting, and everything else. It all absolutely fascinated me, and the story had been lingering in the back of my mind since. Seeing that it was from a few months back, I might’ve forgotten a few details (whoops).
Anyways, let me tell you about my
perception of Adatha. She has light, brown hair (I unfortunately coloured it
inaccurately in the above photo) and hazel eyes (I’m sorry but I’m not fond of
drawing eyes), and she absolutely loves to read and write. She would often
leave her house and sneak out to find open and unoccupied fields so she may
read and think in solitude. She has two elder brothers and a younger sister. As
an Athenian, she longs for adventure, which she thought she was never going to
get until she met Ericius.