

I kid you not I have backspaced, like, eight times already because how 2 announce I'm fourteen??? Oh, yay, I just did!! [wiggles eyebrows] So, yep, I turned fourteen last Saturday (May 30th!) and it was honestly tons of fun as I was able to spend it with my mom and a bunch of nerds. I mostly took videos (for a passion project that I'll be posting quite a looooong time from now), so I'll sort of just make a gif dump after the jump (it rhymes!!):

BRB, repeat infinite times.


[KEYBOARD SMASHES INTO OBLIVION] Hello, again....and again.....aND AGAIn. This is probably my nth "Hello again" post I am not even kidding. More than a month into summer vacation and this was left untouched for some reason (translation: I almost forgot this actually existed I am so sorry). 

If you noticed, most of my posts have been drafted (If you didn't, then ok.) and you're probably wondering why (If you're not, then ok.)

Things 2014 Taught Me


This year flew by, seeing that it's ending in a couple of hours, and many would beg to differ, but I could say that this year's probably the most eye-opening, amazing, and at the same time, terrifying years of my 13 years in existence and I'm really looking forward to more years like this one. In all honesty, I believe that I'm a slightly better person than I was when the year began, and happier, I think (or hope).

From turning thirteen, braving uncharted territory called "socializing", meeting loads of new people, and discovering myself even more, there are obviously a lot of things that I've taken away from these kickass experiences, let me share them with you here: